Homework will be given out in class every Friday afternoon. A copy of the homework will also be shared on Class Dojo. Homework is due on the following Friday where it will be marked as a class. Children should make sure their homework books are brought back to school to mark on Fridays. They can upload a copy onto Class Dojo if they would like however, a hard copy must be brought into school on Fridays.
Spelling lists for this term are given out for Planet and Rocket groups at the beginning of every half-term. There will be a spelling test every Thursday afternoon.
Each Friday, the children will receive a Maths and Reading task. On top of this, the children should try to practice their times tables on TT Rockstars and also try to read every night at home (5 pages or more). We always encourage the children to read independently and if your child does this at home, please encourage them to sign in their homework diary, so I can keep track in school.
The children will receive a new homework diary that they will use to keep track of the homework and the reading they do. This is to prepare the children for Year 7 and to encourage them to take charge of their learning. Each day I will tick the children's diaries and sign them at the end of the week once they have completed all their homework. I encourage parents to also sign their child's homework diary at the end of each week. Children should keep track of how many times they have read in this book and tell me when they have read 25,50,75 or 100 times so they can receive their reward. There will also be rewards for completing homework on a weekly basis.
Children will also receive a topic grid with optional tasks to complete for a chance to win extra prizes!