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  • Help if your child is struggling

    If you feel your child is struggling in an area of home or school life, there may be something we can do to help. 

    We try our best to support all pupils at all times, especially when things aren't going well. 

    Friendships in Class:

    If your child is struggling with friendship-related issues, we urge you to make an appointment with their class teacher at your earliest convenience. You can either try to catch the class teacher at the start or end of the day if it is a quick conversation, or make an appointment  (telephone or in person) via the school office. Alternatively, you may wish to email the school. All contact details are on the header of each page of the school website.

    Work in Class:

    If your child is struggling with work in class, you may find additional support on the curriculum pages of our website. This is a developing area and we are looking at adding additional support over the coming months. If your child is struggling, and you believe they have a Special Educational Need, you may also make an appointment with our SENDCo, Angela May. Please email her on 

    Struggling with Homework:

    If you are struggling to get your child to complete their homework, or you are finding it difficult to support them with their learning, please inform their class teacher. Please note, there is a homework club available to all pupils, Monday-Friday 12:45-1:15pm (during lunch break). Children who attend homework club can use the computers, complete work in books, read or access support from Miss Winestein. 

    Home Related Issues:

    If you have some issues occurring at home which you believe are having a knock-on effect on your child (e.g. financial, bereavement, divorce, other), please feel free to either speak to your child's class teacher, Mrs Doyle (Family Support leader) or Mr Sheppard. You can make an appointment via the school office - in person, on the telephone or through email.