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  • Our Curriculum

    Our Curriculum

    The curriculum at Kirkstall St Stephen’s is driven by our Christian vision: -

    “We are Cherished, we are Challenged, we are Children of God”

    We are Cherished

    At KSS we teach every child the importance of being welcoming, inclusive and considerate towards others. Everyone is valued as an individual and all cultures and backgrounds are celebrated.

    We support our children to achieve this by:

    • Tailoring the curriculum to meet the children's needs
    • Developing strong relationships with our pupils and their families
    • Teaching a comprehensive personal, social and emotional curriculum which is woven throughout school life
    • Identifying pupil strengths, but also providing support to overcome barriers to learning
    • Increasing children's 'cultural capital' through diverse, engaging and enriching experiences
    • Involving children in curriculum and school decision-making through pupil groups such as eco and global clubs.
    • Cherishing children as the unique people they are and ensuring they feel loved and accepted.

    Our children feel loved and this gives them the foundations to flourish at KSS.

    We are Challenged

    At KSS we aim to challenge all pupils, no matter their ability, through a broad and balanced curriculum. We want children to feel confident and ready to tackle any new challenge that they face and that they leave us in Year 6 ready to take on the world! We ensure that knowledge is embedded in an interactive and visual way that makes learning engaging and exciting for children.

    From Reception, children are taught about 'having a go' and the power of a growth mindset and how to apply this throughout their learning journey. Having a growth mindset that underpins our curriculum allows our pupils to gain the confidence to engage in challenges. Throughout the school, children are reminded through visual aids and language modelled by staff to persevere and use their mistakes as a positive learning tool.

    'The Pit' image below features in all our classrooms and is applied to all our lessons. This model represents the importance of resilience when faced with a challenge. Children will regularly identify where they are in 'The Pit' and are taught to use strategies to support themselves and each other in order to succeed.

    We are Children of God

    At KSS we want our children to recognise that they are global citizens with a collective responsibility for the world and fully understand the impact of their actions. Eco, Global and School Council groups are drivers of change in school and our curriculum allows children to explore opportunities for 'Courageous Advocacy'.

    We encourage and celebrate difference, ensuring that every child and their family are welcomed and supported as part of our community. Engagement and relationships are at the heart of everything we do.

    Our curriculum fosters a sense of awe and wonder amongst children, and we are keen to bring 'real-life' experiences to our children, such as educational visits using public transport and special Art, Science, Sport and Fair-Trade weeks throughout the year.

    We cultivate each child's spirituality through reflective spaces in class and specific prayer spaces at key points throughout the year, and we allow children to engage in big questions regarding themselves and the world around them.

    SEND offer

    The Families and Children's Act 2014 requires all schools to publish their own SEND offer that details all the support and provision that a school will offer to support children with additional needs. Our offer can be found here: Kirkstall St Stephen's C of E Primary School: SEND Provision & Information Report (

    Class/Year Group Curriculum Overviews are found on the class page, in the pupils' area, under other information.


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