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  • KSS Values Tree

    KSS Visual Ethos Statement- ‘KSS Values Tree’

    Our school ethos is represented by the KSS Values Tree. We aim for children to be given a firm foundation in life rooted in Christian values, sustained by God's love. We recognise that each child is unique and a valued child of God who needs nurturing to reach their full potential. The trunk represents our curriculum, which is creative, rich and demanding and develops core skills of numeracy and literacy. The curriculum is enriched by visits, visitors and extracurricular activities and has a global dimension. We aim for our children to leave our school with certain attributes - these are as follows: resilient and able to adapt to a changing world, able to work collaboratively, concerned about our world, hopeful for the future, able to listen to others, willing to experiment, make mistakes and try again, able to take responsibility, caring and compassionate, appreciative of God, respectful of diversity, motivated and enthusiastic in their learning. These are represented by fruit on the tree. We have six core values which were chosen by the children and staff - these are thankfulness, trust, perseverance, respect, justice and forgiveness.  Each week a child from each class is chosen to receive a VIP award - when they have particularly shown one of 'our values in practice'.

    Summary Sentence: Our school ethos is represented by the KSS Values Tree, showing children’s growth as a tree planted firmly into God’s sustaining love and rooted in our school values of: trust, justice, perseverance, respect, thankfulness and forgiveness.  

    Jeremiah 17:7-8

    Blessed are those who trust in the Lord and have their confidence in him. They will be like a tree planted by the water, that sends out its roots by the stream.