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  • Geography

    Welcome to KSS Geography!

    Geography - our intent

    Every child who leaves KSS will have developed a solid and comprehensive understanding of the world and the nations that comprise it. This gives our children a true sense of belonging in the world, helping them to recognise their place within it, which is important for them to form a sense of identity, persistence and drive. Using a variety of resources, such as maps, aerial photographs, and globes, enables children to develop skills that are transferable to other curriculum areas such as RE, PSHE and History. Geography learning at KSS equips pupils with knowledge about diverse places, people, resources and natural and human environments. Students that study Geography at KSS will gain knowledge about a variety of locations, people, resources, and environmental settings. The skills we teach in Geography lessons will provide a secure understanding of globalisation, sustainability and enterprise. In order to encourage and motivate our students to become curious and fascinated by the world and its inhabitants, we believe geography education should be both inspiring and challenging.

    Please see the attached overview document that explains the curriculum and the knowledge, skills and vocabulary progression map from Reception to Year 6.

    We have also begun creating Knowledge Organisers (KO) for each half-term and these have been added below. These are child-friendly documents that demonstrate how we will implement the new curriculum, including the powerful knowledge that we wish children to learn after each topic. The impact of our curriculum will be based on how well the children retain this knowledge.

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