Children's prayer page

Children's prayer page

Our School Prayer

God be in me to guide me through the day,

God be in my eyes to see things I am thankful for,

God be in my mouth to use kind words and forgive my friends,

God be in my hands to guide my actions and respect others,

God be in my head to help me persevere when times get tough,

God be in my heart to help me trust others,

God be in my feet to keep the world running fairly,

And God be in Kirkstall St. Stephen’s!


A prayer for our world in the middle of this coronavirus

Dear Lord Jesus,
you taught us to love our neighbour,
and to care for those in need
as if we were caring for you.
In this time please comfort those who are scared.
Please help all the doctors and nurses caring for the sick.
Help us to be kind and let those who are lonely
know that we care,
for your name’s sake.
A letter from God written by year 6 in their reflective spaces- 
Dear Nation, 
You are beautiful and incredible and I love you no matter what.  You should celebrate how wonderful you are.  I forgive you for your sins and I'm very proud of you for being lovely.
Lots and lots of love from God
Prayer for fairtrade fortnight by Alfie year 2

Dear God
Thank you for our world. Thank you for the chocolate you get from cacoa. Help the farmers get a fair price because they do all the hard work.
Prayer for anti-bullying week

Dear God 
We pray that there is no bullying in this school, we hope for more justice and respect to make this school better.  We hope that bullies become nice people.  Help us to forgive people and treat them as we should.

(Raivo year 2)
Kirkstall St Stephen's C of E (VA) Primary School

Morris Lane,

entrance via Norman Street

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