Religious Education (RE)

Welcome to KSS Religious Education!

RE intent.JPG

Capture of RE learning map.PNG

Please see the attached overview document that explains the curriculum and the knowledge, skills and vocabulary progression map from Reception to Year 6.

We have also began creating Knowledge Organisers (KO) for each half term and these have been added below. These are child-friendly documents that demonstrate how we will implement the new curiculum, including the powerful knowledge that we wish children to learn after each topic. The impact of our curriculum will be based on how well the children retain this knowledge.


Recent educational visits

Years 3-6 recently enjoyed a trip by train to St. George's Church to watch a performance of the Nativity story called the Christmas Story.  Everyone had a great time and enjoyed seeing the story told in a new way.

Year 5 have enjoyed a visit from Che Seabourne, one of our parents who is a scientist and a curate, as part of their topic : Are science and religion conflicting or complementary?  They asked him some interesting questions!  For instance, Who created God? (Macy, Curtis and Lincoln) Why do you think the universe went from a tiny pinhead to this? (Abigail) What was your goal when you were little? (Evan) How do you believe the world was created? (Neethujan)



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Kirkstall St Stephen's C of E (VA) Primary School

Morris Lane,

entrance via Norman Street

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