Our School

Welcome to Kirkstall St Stephen’s VA C of E Primary School, we are a caring school with children’s wellbeing at the centre of everything we do here. There is a great community feel at the school. We have a fantastic team of welcoming staff, supportive and proactive parents and as a result: creative, engaged and happy pupils. We continually strive to improve our standards in school across the cores areas of Reading, Writing, Maths and Science, in the last year we have had a whole school focus on reading.


We know there is more to education than just the core standards, and pride ourselves on delivering a rich and varied curriculum to our pupils which engages, excites and motivates. We have a full programme of enrichment activities both weaved throughout our curriculum and also through the many after school clubs which run across the year.

As a Church of England school our emphasis of Religious Education is through Christianity; however, we also teach about different religions and non-religious viewpoints. We teach respect and understanding of other people’s beliefs and celebrate diversity. Children and staff participate in daily acts of collective worship which centre around selected themes.


Behaviour in school is taught through a positive classroom management approach (based upon work by Carolyn Webster Stratton), whereby children are rewarded for good behaviour. This is consistent with our mission statement that children should be ‘cherished’, therefore we endeavor to notice all the children for exceptional levels of good behaviour on a day to day basis in the following ways:


  • Positive written feedback
  • Displaying good work
  • Showing work to other teachers
  • Receiving certificates (VIP, Merit, Always, Certificates of Achievement, Attainment, Attendance certificates)
  • Trips
  • Giving children responsibilities
  • Stickers
  • Time with members of SLT


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Kirkstall St Stephen's C of E (VA) Primary School

Morris Lane,

entrance via Norman Street

OFSTED Good School fair achiever award School Games Gold 15/16 Activemark 2008 Artsmark Gold Primary Science Quality Mark Gold Active Schools Logo COE Outstanding