Kirkstall St Stephen’s Church of England (VA) Primary School Governing Body
Chair: Mr Tim Payne
Vice Chair: Mrs Christine Greaves
The constitution of the governing body is:
1 Local Authority (LA) governor, recommended by the LA and approved by the governing body
1 Parent governors, formally elected through a ballot of parents unless the election is uncontested
1 staff governor, formally elected by staff employed at school
6 foundation governors, appointed by the Church Diocese
1 Associate Members appointed by the Governing Body
The governing body operates with the following subcommittees who meet separately in advance of the main governing body meeting each term:
Resources committee - responsible for staffing including the appointment and role of the SENCO, equality and diversity, finance, property management, health and safety and nutritional standards. Committee chair: Mrs Liz Kalverda
Teaching and learning & Pupil Support committee - responsible for teaching and learning matters including target setting, standards and achievement, SEN (including reporting annually on the success of the SEN policy), monitoring teaching and learning and curriculum provision and ensuring that the governing body is represented at school improvement discussions. This committee are also responsible for behaviour, safeguarding, attendance, children’s spiritual, moral social and cultural development, children, parent and staff voice, extra-curricular activities, pupil premium, cluster and other partnerships.
Committee chair: Mrs Sarah Hodge
Area of Responsibility |
Governor | School Contact |
Attendance |
Cllr F Venner | Mr P Sheppard |
Complaints |
Rev Stephen Kaye | Mr P Sheppard |
Equalities |
Mrs L Dray | Mrs J Skelton |
Mrs C Greaves | Mrs S Murray |
Health & Safety |
Mr T Payne | Mrs J Skelton |
Looked After Children |
Mrs C Greaves | Mr P Sheppard |
Mathematics |
Mrs L Kalverda | Mrs Muranka |
PE & Sports Premium |
Mr S Ivinson | Mrs K Fordham |
Performance Data |
Rev Stephen Kaye | Mr P Sheppard & Miss Z Barnett |
Pupil Premium |
Mr S Ivinson | Miss Z Barnett |
RE & Collective Worship |
Rev Stephen Kaye | Mrs J Bailey |
Early Reading & Phonics |
Mrs S Hodge |
Mrs G Coverdale |
Safeguarding |
Mrs C Greaves | Mr P Sheppard |
Mrs L Dray | Mrs A May |
SEMH & Wellbeing |
Cllr F Venner | Miss S O'Connor & Mrs Winestein |
School Improvement Advisor Visits |
Rev Stephen Kaye | Mr P Sheppard |
Training |
Mr T Payne | Mr P Sheppard |
Literacy |
Mrs E Benson | Mrs G Coverdale & Mrs L Mosley |
Register of Interests
All members of our Governing Body have completed the REGISTER OF GOVERNORS’ BUSINESS AND PERSONAL INTERESTS.