E Safety

With the growth of social media and on-line gaming, internet safety is becoming more and more important. Children can be subject to bullying or be vulnerable to sharing personal information when they are on-line. It is vital that children are made aware of how to deal with any concerns they come across when using the internet and how to keep themselves safe.
At Kirkstall St Stephen’s C of E Primary School, your child’s safety is very important to us. Because of this, we make sure that we thoroughly cover safety online in our computing curriculum. Children have online safety lessons where they learn how to be safe on-line, how to report anything that concerns them and how to be respectful on the internet. We also have a strong focus on cyber-bullying and how to report this.
In line with the National Curriculum , by the end of Y2, we will have taught children to:

“use technology safely and respectfully, keeping personal information private; identify where to go for help and support when they have concerns about content or contact on the internet or other on-line technologies”

And by the end of Y6 to:

“use technology safely, respectfully and responsibly; recognise acceptable/unacceptable behaviour; identify a range of ways to report concerns about content and contact”

It is also really important that parents are aware of how to keep children safe on-line. The CEOP, a government body aimed at educating children and parents about dangers on-line have developed a website to help parents understand how to help their children stay safe on-line Click here to visit the site.

We have collected together some on-line safety information leaflets for parents. Please click on the links above to download them:

Files to Download

Kirkstall St Stephen's C of E (VA) Primary School

Morris Lane,

entrance via Norman Street

OFSTED Good School fair achiever award School Games Gold 15/16 Activemark 2008 Artsmark Gold Primary Science Quality Mark Gold Active Schools Logo COE Outstanding