Welcome to the KSS PTA page. We rely on the support of parents, carers and staff and always welcome new members and new ideas for fundraising!
Anyone wishing to join our PTA should contact the school office on 0113 382 1960 or via email
The P.T.A exists to raise funds to enhance the school budget.
Welcome & What We Do
Welcome to the KSS PTA page. We rely on the support of parents, carers and staff and always welcome new members and new ideas for fundraising!
Anyone wishing to join our PTA should email or contact the school office on 0113 382 1960
The PTA exists to raise funds to enhance the school budget.
Regular events which prove popular are:
School discos
Bring and buy bun sales
Movie Night
Christmas & Summer Fairs
Non Uniform Days
In the past, money raised has been spent on playground and ICT equipment, books and school trips. Many of the school trips would not be able to happen without the subsidy from the PTA- this money ensures all pupils in our school get to experience a wider range of activities in different settings.
The PTA will have their own specific DOJO page to communicate with parents from September 2023 onwards.
Who's Who
Current members with leading roles are:
Chair - Mrs Amanda Jenkinson
Secretary - Mr Simon Davis
Treasurer - Ms Jeanette Clewes
We have many more parents, carers and grandparents who help on an ad hoc basis when they can e.g. manning a stall or helping at one of the discos. We are always grateful for support and/or ideas. You do not have to attend every meeting or event, but anything you can help with would be very much appreciated.
If you are interested please email the PTA on, or speak to Mrs Skelton/ Mrs Wren in the school office. Thanks.
Upcoming Events
Please see the school newsletter for up-to-date events.