Pupils at Kirkstall St Stephen's C of E Primary School, not only get to experience exciting lessons built around the national curriculum; we also go the extra mile with sport and the arts to ensure children have a fantatsic rounded education.
We plan exciting school trips to develop skills, build experiences and inspire young minds.
All children take part in a theatrical production each year: Reception, Year 1 & 2 create a Christmas Nativity; Years 3 & 4 create a production at the end of Spring Term; Years 5 & 6 put on a large scale production at the end of the summer term.
Each class also invites parents to their class assemblies 2x per year.
Children have the opportunities to enter into sporting clubs and competitions.
Children enter art competitions for designing christmas cards, posters and festival fliers annually.
We have annual Harvest, Christmas, Easter and Leavers Services over at Kirkstall St Stephen's Church.